How do I get copies of the NIMS credentials I have earned?

Note: This organization is frequently confused with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) at FEMA. For assistance with certifications related to emergency services, please contact them instead. 

  1. Login to then click Testing Center.
  2. Click on My Credentials in the top gray toolbar.
  3. In the table below the page, it will show a list of all the credentials you have taken. You will see a printer icon under the Print Certificate column for credentials you have earned. Credential earned means we have received your performance affidavit, and have passed the test, both of which will be indicated with green check mark and “Pass” respectively.
  4. Click the printer icon of the credential you wish to print or download. A new browser tab will open with the option to print or download your certificate.
  • Please make sure to disable popup blocker to allow the new tab to open.


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