What are Smart Training Solutions


Smart Training Solutions is an innovative framework for modernizing training to keep up with an ever-changing economy, where technology changes what we do exponentially in the workplace.

Often, training systems (models) will emerge through workforce development initiatives and are promoted as the “Gold Seal” for training. However, organizations that adopt these models usually continue to struggle with training. This is due to not recognizing the difference between “Training Systems” and “Training Methods”.

Training Systems identify the components and expected outcomes of training. These systems usually include competency-based credentials, related theory, and On-the-Job Training. This is why organizations adopt these systems.

Training Methods define how training is executed within organizations. These methods are not the same for each organization, as each organization’s circumstances are different. This is why the outcomes of training vary from one organization to the next, even when adopting the same system.

The overarching reality is… the success of any training system is hinged on the reliability of training methods. Smart Training Solutions empower organizations to define their training systems and methods, while remaining standardized.

Smart Training Solutions framework is based on three critical pillars:

  • Smart Standards
  • Smart Performance Measures
  • Smart Training Principles

Smart Standards

Smart Standards are duties associated with occupations or industries. Each duty is an individual standard and defines responsibilities independent of tasks.

Organizations define roles to train towards by selecting duties that meet their specific needs. These duties empower organizations to customize training for what they truly need while maintaining standardization.

Regardless of how roles are customized, they are still standardized, because standardization is at the duty level, not the occupation or industry. This allows for:

  • Role building
  • Dynamic updates
  • Adding additional duties
  • Exchanging duties

Smart Performance Measures

Smart Performance Measures are expressions of duties. They are practical experiences that confirm competence when satisfied. This is where your specifications come into play. Though we all can agree on duties associated with an occupation or industry, we likely will not agree on tasks. This allows for differences in:

  • Complexity
  • Products
  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Equipment
  • Environment
  • Processes
  • Procedures

Smart Training Principles

Smart Training Principles are compilations of behaviors associated with training. These principles are universal constants. They do not decay over time. Behaviors are practical ways organizations hold true to their principles and carry out their training objectives. These behaviors are not theoretical, they are practical—meaning methods and tools can be implemented for each behavior. Each organization selects training behaviors based on their operational circumstances. This allows for differences in:

  • Size of the company
  • Composition of staff
  • Facilities and Technology
  • Community partners
  • Training culture

Why Smart Standards

Our standards or “Duties” are strategically structured and defined based on a set of rules and guidelines that reveal a level of content per duty that is just right for occupational or industry experts to agree on.

Although experts agree on duties associated with an occupation or industry, organizations will not likely agree on the combination of duties they need to be productive in the workplace.

Smart Standards live in a flexible framework that provide a menu of standardized duties that organizations can choose to customize training for exactly what they need.

Why Smart Performance Measures

Our performance measure development process is strategically structured to unbiasedly reveal specific performance requirements for an organization.

The most common strategy for validating performance is defining a checklist of workplace tasks. When these tasks are satisfied, performance requirements are met.

But… checklists alone are not assessments. The biggest struggle organizations have with checklists is… knowing when to check off the boxes.

Smart Performance Measures resolve checklists with practical experiences that reflect what individuals or teams will face on the job and are contextualized into queryable data to visualize performance.

Why Smart Training Principles

Our engagement process is strategically designed to discover your principles. These principles are revealed by comparing your current training behaviors against your principles.

The most common mistake that organizations make with training is conforming to a prescribed training model without determining how to execute training in their environment.

Smart Training Principles point organizations on the right path by analyzing training needs based on operational circumstances for peak productivity.

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