AMT President Doug Woods Presents "Manufacturing Mandate" to National Manufacturing Summit

Douglas K. Woods presented a strategy to help rebuild and strengthen the nation’s manufacturing base at the 2010 Manufacturing Summit held Tuesday, November 9th at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. The Summit was hosted by Think Swiss and co-sponsored by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). The event featured Swiss and American apprenticeship models and highlighted Green Jobs.

Mr. Woods, President of the Association for Manufacturing Technology, detailed a plan that can effectively coordinate a wide array of policy bodies and technical and support programs. The plan calls for a coordinated manufacturing policy structure that:

  • incentivizes innovation and R&D in new products and manufacturing technologies;
  • assures the availability of capital;
  • increases global competitiveness;
  • minimizes structural cost burdens;
  • enhances collaboration between government, industry, and academia; and
  • builds a better educated and trained “smart force.’

Download the Manufacturing Mandate at

As of Monday, November 15th you can learn more about the 2010 Manufacturing Summit and watch video at